Our Story
In early 2019, we had ten Courage House Tanzania girls off to college, university and vocational training but no funds. At Courage House, we are committed to supporting the girls through their college/university education or vocational training program so they can follow their dreams, and ensure they won’t be trapped in the life of sexual exploitation ever again.
Brainstorming ways to raise money for their education, the girls began to create handmade products to sell to small volunteer teams. These products were immediately a hit!
This small project has since evolved into a comprehensive transitional program called Courage Leadership Academy. Our Courage House Tanzania graduates join this program and are equipped with vocational skills (sewing, cookery and jewelry making) and practical life skills (English, computers and leadership), with the aim that they will thrive with many skills as they begin their independent, adult lives.
This is how Courage Products was born. We love that this project imparts meaningful skills, teaches hard work and raises money for their further education!
The girls are proud of their newfound skills, and are so grateful for the love you have shown through your purchases! Within Courage Leadership Academy, we have girls studying law, social work, communications and computers, hotel management, salon work, tailoring, and education. Because of your support, these incredible young women are able to turn their dreams into reality.
Hear from one of the members of Courage Leadership Academy, how Courage House has changed her life and her hope for what is in store for her future.